Hello and welcome to my website! Though this website is mostly geared towards the work I do taking pictures of people, I wanted to start the blog off by sharing a little about how I got started in photography.
Frankly, I blame this whole thing on travel. If you are lucky enough to see some of the most beautiful and amazing places in the world, what better hobby to go with that than capturing those experiences through photography?

When I was in elementary school, my family and I moved to Taiwan for a few years. During that time we explored Asia, and I think that is where I was first bitten by the travel bug. As an adult, the first chance I had to start traveling on my own was during a study abroad year in the North of England. I took every opportunity I could to see Europe--and managed to cram in quite a lot. But that was all before digital photography (gasp), so those photos now all sit in boxes in our garage.

In my early 20's I worked internationally and visited Europe and Australia often. I also had the opportunity to live in Amsterdam for several months--such a great experience! It was around then that technology (and curiosity) turned my attention to digital photography. I bought my first dSLR with an end-of-the-year bonus, and began looking for adventures to photograph. Over the next several years I visited places like Morocco, Iceland, Borneo, Kenya, Guatemala, Cuba and Suriname.

When I got married, my husband had not been to some of my favorite places--which gave me the perfect excuse to go back! We honeymooned in Iceland and Ireland, and together have also been to the UK, Hawaii, Dominican Republic, Mexico. More recently we have started using vacation time for RV adventures around the US.

With each and every trip I took, my love of photography grew. But between trips I missed having that creative outlet. So, I dabbled in taking pictures of family and friends. At first it was just for fun, but then it grew into what you see today!

Throughout this journey I have learned so much. I am so grateful for all the adventure, and for all I have learned about myself and photography along the way. I look forward to snapping more images of things out in the world, and to taking pictures of YOU here at home (or overseas?!?).
Follow along here to come on the journey with me!